CRY INSIDE Again I sit here and cry inside, Hoping that what you have just told me isn’t the truth, Holding on to the hope that the love that I have for you will always show through, But then again, I believe deep within, that the love you have for me will never be enough, And that the love you feel from me is not going to make you happy, I know you know in the relationship we have shared, I have given you what I can, But I can’t keep giving you everything, without getting something in return, All I feel I am receiving is pain, coldness and you leaving me behind, I feel my soul dying, from the fear of loneliness, as each day goes by, I feel my heart breaking a little more, because you seem to grow further away with each passing day, I have tried talking with you, I have tried fighting with you, This has not been my choice, it has all been yours, But you just can’t seem to listen to what I have to say, So I sit here and Cry Inside, You are the one that has been going on with life without me, As part of what I thought we wanted, and for this I will now let you make your decision on what you want, Who will make you happy and how you want to live your life, But please, please tell me so I can move on, to finally find the happiness I long for, that I so long for in my heart, Please let me know, so I can save my soul from the arms of death, As I sit here and cry inside, I will never show you a tear again, I will never raise my voice again, I will never show you the pain I feel when I am hurting, I will always love you in a special way, but please don’t make me sit here while I cry inside, I have suffered enough pain in my life, now is not the time to cry, but to smile and be happy, I have yearned to be happy, I have been happy with you but now is the time you make me cry inside, Now there is no tears that you can see, but trust me they are here, I long to be held to make everything go away, but I know that isn’t a cure, but I wouldn’t have to cry inside, you have to make a decision, which one do you choose, If it’s not me but it is her, I will understand that our love wasn’t enough, You stand alone to make this choice, with no interference from me, You know now what there is to know, you know how I feel, I love you, but I know it isn’t enough against the choices you have to make, So for now, Just let me sit here and cry inside.